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Invisible Braces

Invisible Braces For Teeth – What and How They Work ?

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A smile is one of the best things you can wear anytime, anywhere. But are you comfortable laughing and smiling with your misaligned teeth? We know it can be embarrassing at times. Furthermore, metal braces can be painful, which may discourage you from wearing them.

There’s no need to worry; we’ve got you covered with invisible braces for teeth. Yes, invisible braces are more comfortable for straightening your teeth without metal braces. 

It not only helps in improving the functioning of your teeth, but it also gives you a confident smile. 

A step towards an assured smile starts from here.

Why Should You Go for Invisible Teeth Braces?

One of the essential factors while undergoing such dental treatment is the duration of the procedure. Nowadays, everyone has a busy life, and the treatment you choose for yourself must complement it rather than interfere with it. 

Choosing invisible braces over the traditional metal ones helps you to cut your treatment time by half. These braces are not only effective in straightening your teeth, but they are also incredibly efficient. 

Orthodontists use invisible braces, which are transparent and removable. They create aligners that mimic your natural teeth without any wires or brackets. This is what makes them hassle-free and easy to handle. 

Metal Braces VS Invisible Braces

A metal brace is made of metal or ceramic material and fixed to your teeth. Metal wires and rubber bands are put on after the braces are fixed to align the teeth properly. 

These braces can cause pain and discomfort, and they are highly visible. In addition, since they are fixed to your teeth, you cannot remove them. There may be times when maintaining oral hygiene becomes difficult.

It can cause abrasion in your mouth. Generally, this treatment takes a long time, and the duration varies between patients.

Whereas the invisible braces for teeth are made of plastic. These braces are custom-made to suit your teeth. Some little bumps of composite resin are made to assist the teeth to get aligned in proper shape. 

Since no wires or rubber bands are on these braces and they are not fixed permanently, you can easily remove them. It will also help you to maintain good oral hygiene. Due to their smooth fit, they are painless. 

Its transparent color makes it less visible to others. In addition, such a dental treatment takes relatively less time than traditional metal braces. 

Benefits of Invisible Braces

With invisible braces, getting a newer smile is quicker than you think. There are several benefits of wearing invisible braces.

  • Comfort is everyone’s foremost need, and invisible braces fulfill them. Since there are no wires or brackets, you don’t have to worry about the nicks and cuts in your mouth. They are comfortable to wear and also lack sharp edges, so they won’t irritate your mouth.
  • The traditional braces are fixed to the teeth, so removing them is impossible. But this is not the case with invisible braces. They are made of plastic and are not fixed on your teeth, so you can remove them while brushing, flossing, or eating
  • Due to their clear and transparent look, they are rarely noticeable by any. This means these braces do not leave your mouth full of metal like traditional braces. They give a nicer look to you, and you will be able to smile out loud without being overly conscious about yourself.
  • These braces are easy to maintain as they require minimal maintenance.


Procedure for Invisible Teeth Braces

In invisible braces treatment, an orthodontist or a dentist will take the impressions of your mouth and make digital measurements. Then afterward, he will study your bite, alignment, and other factors to make a perfect treatment plan for you. Then he goes for custom-made aligners for every patient designed to guide the teeth in the desired direction. 

Care With Invisible Braces

  • For effective results, ensure you wear your bracers for at least 20 hours daily. 
  • Never have your pacers on while having something hot. Also, remove your braces while eating, brushing, or flossing. 
  • Don’t forget to brush your braces the same way you brush your teeth. This way, you can keep your braces neat and clean. 


Dental Veda: Best Dentist in Gurgaon

Dental Veda offers top-quality dental services in Gurgaon. Our dentists in Gurgaon offer highly advanced dental care services to our patients. So you can surely get the best invisible braces treatment from us.

Go ahead and book an appointment with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How much do Invisible Braces Cost in India?

Invisible braces can be costlier than traditional metal ones, but once you achieve your results without pain, it’s all worth it. A patient’s need for smile restoration could also affect the cost.

  • Are Invisible Braces Painful?

No, the invisible braces are not painful at all. But it can leave your teeth feeling sore. This is because they are made of plastic, and there are no sharp edges in them, unlike traditional metal braces that have wires causing pain and discomfort in your mouth. 

  • Are Invisible Braces Effective?

Yes, for sure. Recent research on invisible braces has shown that they effectively correct your teeth’ mild to moderate alignment issues. These braces are less noticeable yet provide the same results as traditional ones. But invisible braces come without all of the unattractive side effects. 

  • Are Invisible Braces More Expensive?

Invisible braces are a bit on the higher side in terms of price than the traditional ones. There are no other braces that can compare to the comfort and ease of these braces.

  • How do Invisible Braces Work?

Invisible braces work on the same principle as the traditional wire braces. They also use the appropriate amount of force to make your teeth move into a straighter position gradually. During every stage of treatment, teeth can be moved by applying different forces with the help of aligners. 

  • How to Clean Invisible Braces?

To clean your braces at home baking soda and water works the best. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda into a cup of water and let the braces sit in that mixture for 30 to 60 minutes. After that rinse the braces thoroughly and let it dry before you use it again.

  • How Long do Invisible Braces Work?

The time invisible braces will take to correct your teeth alignment depends on your case. You can take as little as six months also. But you can see the results in a couple of weeks. 

  • What do Millennials Think About the Best Invisible Braces?

Millennials are of the view that invisible braces are much more comfortable than traditional wire braces. Also, these braces are detachable, which provides them more comfort. They are made of plastic material, making them painless and an excellent option for millennials.