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How Long Does a Smile Makeover Take?

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If you are self-conscious about your smile, a smile makeover can help. A smile makeover treatment helps individuals with unhealthy teeth or gums improve their smile’s aesthetics and form.

The duration of the smile makeover procedure is one of the most common concerns patients have. A patient may require one or more sessions depending on his or her goals and needs. The number of visits recommended will determine how long the procedure might take. 

To help patients understand the procedure better, we have come up with the article that outlines the timeline related to smile takeover.

What is a smile makeover?

Smile makeovers involve different dental and oral procedures. They are intended to improve the aesthetics of the smile. Dental professionals not only enhance the health of teeth and gums,thereby making eating and speaking easier for patients.

Smile makeover procedures

In order to gain a better understanding of the number of hours it typically takes for a smile makeover, we have compiled some information about the average duration of a procedure.

Teeth whitening

It is among the popular ways to brighten up the teeth through teeth whitening to improve a smile. Furthermore, it is a quick process, lasting no longer than an hour on average.


Straightening crooked teeth is often the priority for people with crooked teeth. A variety of options can be used to straighten the teeth, depending on the severity of the problem. In traditional braces, the final outcome can take anywhere between 18 months and three years. For traditional braces, full results may take 18 months to 3 years.

Clear aligners

Another option, and one that is extremely popular, is clear aligners because they are virtually invisible and can be taken out to eat and clean. The completion of this method usually takes between 10 and 12 months.


The bonding procedure results in the repair of chips, the strengthening of worn edges, and the closing of gaps between teeth. There are usually three steps in the process. In the first step, the dentist sculpts the teeth, after which polish is applied and then resin is placed to fill them in.


The porcelain veneers are designed to fix minor cosmetic issues or to lighiten stains on the teeth. Each veneer is attached to the front of the teeth using a thin piece of porcelain. 

After removing enamel from the teeth and reshaping them, a mold of the teeth is made, and the lab-made veneers are applied. Most usually, the procedure takes about two weeks to complete. 

Dental implants

People who have missing teeth may choose to replace them with implants, but the procedure is lengthy. Occasionally, removing broken or decayed teeth is the first step. 

Next, it may be necessary to do a bone graft for some patients to ensure they have solid jawbone foundations. After the surgery sites have healed, which takes anywhere from 4 to 6 months with bone graft, titanium rods are inserted into the jawbone.

After insertion, a period of around four to six months is needed for the jaw bone and gums to form around the rods. 

After an impression of the patient’s jaw has been taken, a crown can be fabricated after two weeks. Ten to fourteen days after the mold is created, the crowns may be placed. An implant can take up to a year to complete.

How Can You Maintain Smile Makeover Results?

Wondering about steps to maintain your new smile? The process isn’t as hard as you might think. Here are some tips to follow:

Good oral hygiene.

Healthy teeth and a beautiful smile go hand in hand. Maintaining your dental health will help your restorations last longer. In addition, you can reduce the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease by brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist regularly.

Tooth-Healthy Diet

Taking care of your mouth goes beyond simply keeping it clean. Your diet also plays a role. Sugary foods, stains, and acidic foods can all harm your teeth and gums.

Protect Your Teeth

Damage to your restorations can occur, just like damage to natural teeth. Make sure not to use your teeth as tools. Make sure you wear a mouthguard when you play sports (even recreationally). Wear the nightguard if you clench your teeth or grind your teeth.

Follow Postoperative Instructions

There is a specific method of care for each procedure. Following them carefully is crucial. Follow-up appointments might differ from your regular dental exams. 

Once the procedure is completed, you can enjoy your results, but you should complete the follow-up visits to maximize results.


By addressing certain dental cosmetic concerns, one can improve their smile and appearance. However, procedures differ widely, as do completion times. An evaluation by a dentist at Dental Veda can help you determine the most appropriate and efficient treatment method and how long the process will take.

Creating brighter smiles at Dental Veda

Trying to find a dentist with a history of successful smile makeovers? 

Even though smiles have no language, they capture the hearts of so many people. But if you are not satisfied with your smile, you are in the right place as Dental Veda can address all of your dental concerns. 

When you need a smile makeover in Gurgaon, our team of dentists is always on hand to help you. We at Dental Veda have a high success rate of smile makeovers in Gurgaon. As part of a smile makeover procedure, we utilize the latest techniques to enhance your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

A smile makeover is the process of improving the appearance of the smile through one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures. The procedure can include bonding, teeth whitening, tooth-colored fillings, lumineers, veneers, dental crowns, implants or bridges.

The procedure typically is done over two to three office visits, which include removing enamel to reshape the teeth, making a mold of the teeth and applying the lab-made veneers. The whole process takes about two weeks.