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why need cosmetic dentistry

Why do you need Cosmetic Dentistry?

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There is no denying in saying that a beautiful and sparkling smile can win anyone’s heart.

However, a crooked smile can lower your confidence and add to your stress.

Cosmetic dentistry can help rejuvenate a smile that has become dulled over the years, and it can also help fix any trauma to restore your smile to its original beauty. So for those who want a beautiful and radiant smile, the best course of action is to see a cosmetic dentist.

Cosmetic dentistry is an advanced procedure that helps improve the aesthetics of your smile and teeth. This procedure uses cutting-edge technology to help shape and contour your teeth. This oral care method mainly focuses on improving the appearance of your mouth, gums, teeth, and overall smile.

But how do you know if you need a cosmetic dentist? There can be certain reasons that may show that it’s time for you to see a cosmetic dentist. These reasons are discussed below.

You have stained or crooked teeth:

Missing, stained, or crooked teeth can lower your confidence. A crooked smile may make you feel embarrassed in front of everyone. You may find it difficult to socialize with friends or relatives. 

In this case, cosmetic dentistry is an ideal procedure to fix all these issues with your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental bonding correct uneven or crooked teeth, reshape the teeth, and lighten discolored teeth. 

You hesitate to smile:

Have you ever seen someone who is fully satisfied with their smile? Well, the probable answer to this question is no. As crooked, gapped, yellowed, or chipped teeth may make it awkward for anyone to smile in front of other people. Hence, this procedure is necessary if you are looking for a perfect way to improve your smile. 

You are experiencing pain in your jaws or head:

When you have misaligned or crooked teeth, you may sometimes feel a terrible pain in your jaws or head. Misaligned and uneven teeth can aggravate your chances of developing the temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and debilitating headaches. 

These problems may release pain in your nearby jaws, head or even shoulders. Hence, cosmetic dental procedures like dental botox and invisible braces can help you get rid of these painful ailments. 

You are noticing changes in your face shape:

Sometimes an underlying tooth infection can also result in bone loss or you may experience pain in your jawbones as a result of missing teeth.  All these dental issues may change your face shape and can make you look older. 

If you notice changes in the contours of your face as a result of any of the dental problems, you should not ignore them. Visiting a cosmetic dentist can help you know the rot cause of the problem.

You have certain digestive issue:

Have you ever thought missing or misaligned teeth can be the cause of digestive issues? 

You can chew your food properly when you have a full set of teeth. However, if you have a missing tooth or misaligned teeth, you may not chew your food correctly. Moreover, these issues often result in digestive problems like ulcers, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Therefore, if your doctor suggests that your digestive problems are occurring due to your oral health, you should start the treatment immediately. Thankfully, cosmetic dentists can help you get relief from these digestive issues with procedures like dental implants or corrective teeth aligner trays. 

Various types of cosmetic dentistry procedures are:

Smile is something that can add grace and charm to your overall personality. However, a bad smile can lose your self-confidence. If a wedding season is coming or you have a special occasion in your family, you may start getting worried about your looks. It may feel awkward to go to a family function with a missing or decayed tooth.

Therefore, cosmetic dentistry is an ideal procedure to restore your beautiful smile and make you feel and look good. 

After making the decision to go for cosmetic dentistry, the next step is to choose the most suitable cosmetic procedure for you.

Various types of cosmetic dentistry procedures are:

Teeth whitening:

Teeth whitening is considered as the simplest and the most effective way of getting a beautiful and bright smile. In teeth whitening or cosmetic teeth, molds and gels are used. The active whitening ingredient enters your enamel and lightens the discoloration. In this way, you can regain your brightening smile. 

Dental veneers:

Dental veneers are thin, white cells made from medical-grain porcelain or ceramic. These dental veneers are custom-made to resemble your natural teeth. Dental veneers fix a number of cosmetic issues like crooked teeth, damaged enamels, and gaps between the teeth.

Before attaching the veneers, your dentist removes some enamel from the tooth’s surface. It is done to allow the shells to be bonded realistically to the front of the teeth. 

Dental crowns:

Dental crowns or dental caps are an ideal procedure for people with crooked or decayed teeth. These crowns are good at covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth. 

They are good to restore the strength of your teeth after you have undergone root canal therapy. In addition, they are used in cosmetic procedures to reshape misshapen teeth and close gaps for proper alignment of your teeth so that you can get your perfect teeth back. 

Inlays and outlays:

Inlays and outlays are indirect fillings that are used when a tooth is decayed to support a filling. This inlay and outlay procedure is an alternative to the crown procedure as it preserves more of the tooth’s natural surface while still strengthening the tooth after decay. These procedures are helpful in restoring cracked or fractured teeth in case the damage is not that severe. 

An inlay is mostly used to treat damaged or decayed teeth within their indented top surfaces. An outlay is used to treat decays that extend to one or more cusps. The durable material used in both procedures is helpful to restore your beautiful smile.

Dental bonding:

Dental bonding is an ideal cosmetic procedure to repair chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. In dental bonding , a tooth-colored composite resin material is prepared for a tooth. It is done in a way to improve your smile. The procedure is also suitable in case of discolored teeth and even lengthening a tooth’s hat shorter than the rest. 

Enamel abrasion:

Enamel abrasion is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry which helps improve the appearance of your teeth. In addition, this mechanical procedure helps whiten your teeth. A quick, painless solution removes yellow or white stains. The procedure uses hydrochloric acid to gently remove thin layers of tooth enamel. 

Dental Veda: Best Cosmetic Dentist in Gurgaon:

Dental Veda is a leading Dental Clinic known to offer top-class dentistry services to every patient. Our Cosmetic Dentist in Gurgaon provides the most advanced procedures with utmost care.

Book an Appointment with our cosmetic dentists today and get your amazing smiles back. 

Can cosmetic dentistry improve overall health?

While the main focus of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the visual appearance of the teeth, certain cosmetic procedures can improve the health of your teeth. Treatments like veneers, fillings, crowns can restore the structure of your teeth. In addition, it further helps prevent plaque and bacteria during teeth whitening sessions. This ultimately improves the appearance and health of your teeth

How long does teeth whitening actually last?

Most whitening procedures usually last for about one or two years if you don’t drink soda and coffee or eat food that stains your teeth. However, if you keep a check on your oral and eating habits, it can last for many years

Who is eligible for cosmetic dentistry?

People who are not satisfied with the appearance of their teeth are eligible for cosmetic procedures. Moreover, any person who has missing, cracked, or unhealthy teeth can go for the procedure of cosmetic dentistry. You can rejuvenate your smile with this procedure.