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Invisible braces

Invisible Braces: Fun Facts You Need to Know Today!

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A smile has the power to transform a social gathering, a business meeting, a casual run-in, or a school contest. However, feeling self-conscious can hinder your confidence. Well, the good news is there are invisible braces available that offer a virtually undetectable solution to aligning your teeth without using metal braces. 

So, this blog will teach you fun facts about invisible braces you may not have known before.

What Do Invisible Braces Treat?

Before starting straight with the facts, let us first help you understand the basics. 

So, everyone here knows what invisible braces are, but still, here are some people with questions in their minds like Are they effective? Do they provide as good results as the traditional ones? And many more. 

Invisible braces are for those adults and teens who want to correct their teeth alignment but also want to forego the look of metal braces and the scratching that comes with them. However, these braces can correct overbite, crossbite, gapped teeth, underbite, and overcrowding without causing any trouble. 

Moreover, they can provide as effective results as the traditional ones without compromising your look. So, can treat your teeth’s alignment by wearing braces that go unnoticed. 

Facts About Invisible Braces

Now you know what these braces treat, it’s time to determine some fun facts that convince you to go for them. Here are some interesting facts about invisible braces. So, let’s begin.

Fact 1: The inventor of the Invisalign system had metal braces

Zia Chishti, a student at Stanford, is the inventor of the Invisalign system. The inventor himself had metal braces, but when his braces were removed and he got a retainer, an idea struck into his head. That’s when he thought a series of retainers would work the same as metal ones and have the add-on benefit of being removable.

With this thought, within a few years, Chishti found partners, designed the entire system, and had the interest of some major businesses. It was in 1997 when Align technologies were formed, and Invisalign came into your lives. 

Fact 2: They are Removable

This is the most important fact about braces, unlike the traditional metal wire and bracket braces that are not removable and still cause a lot of challenges. With these braces, you can eat or drink whatever you want. Just make sure to take out the braces before doing so. You can even brush or floss your teeth the way you want. This adds convenience to many adults’ life. Moreover, there are no changes in your diet, so that you can enjoy these aligners with no major compromises in your life. But you must note that these braces must be worn at least 20 hours daily for an effective result.

Fact 3: You Do Not Need a Specialist to Adjust Them

Traditional braces demand regular look-after, and dentists have to set an appointment to tighten or adjust the wires. But this is not the case with the invisible braces. Once you have completed a specific time with your invisible braces, your dentist will send you the new set of aligners. 

Every time you get a new pair of invisible aligners, they will be adjusted to keep your teeth moving in the right direction. Such things eliminate the need for frequent visits to the dentist. However, your dentist may ask you to visit the clinic to monitor your progress; still, it will be less often than with traditional braces.

Fact 4: They are Custom-made

One of the most interesting facts about invisible aligners is that they are custom-made. Moreover, Invisalign is the world’s largest user of cutting-edge 3D technology because they are made using the advanced 3D printing process. The system uses impressions and 3D modeling to create a series of aligners throughout the treatment to align your teeth. They are made exclusively for you, so it fits in your teeth’s position. As a result, they help in a better grip and comfort for the user. 

Fact 5: They are Made from Thermoplastic

Another interesting fact about these braces is that they may look like common plastic but are fabricated from FDA-approved, medical-grade thermoplastic. This state-of-the-art material doesn’t contain latex, gluten, or chemicals like bisphenol-A or bisphenol-S. It means that these braces were pliable at high temperatures once, and then they cooled and solidified. Therefore, the material has the strength to hold its shape even in the elevated temperature of your mouth plus, this material gives aligners a clear look. 

Fact 6: Over 10,00,000 People Use Them

You might find it surprising, but over 10,00,000 people around the world use them. It might be difficult to notice because they are transparent, but many people have undergone this treatment. 

Fact 7: They are More Comfortable than Braces

Invisible braces are the top choice among adults due to their comfortable and easy-to-use features. Many dental treatments cause a little discomfort, but you will experience much lesser pain during this treatment. Many adults are happier with their invisible aligners. 

Fact 8: Aligners are not Just for Kids

Many people believe that only children and teens can benefit from these aligners. However, in reality, there are 1 in 5 orthodontic patients that are over the age of 18. This is because it gives successful results to patients of any age group. So, if aligners are easy and effective, why don’t you try them?


So, if you have any questions about invisible aligners or are confused about this, you can visit Dental Veda and get the best advice from our best dentists. We have the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, where you can get dental treatment from well-qualified dentists. So, go ahead and book your appointment with us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Invisible braces work on the same principle as traditional ones. The braces are placed in the appropriate position to put pressure on certain teeth forcing them to move in the desired direction. Every stage of treatment requires different sets of aligners with different kinds of force to straighten the teeth.

So, if you wear invisible braces, there is no restriction on what to eat or not. But while eating anything, you can remove your invisible braces. In the same way, we recommend you to drink every beverage other than water with a straw. This is because some beverages like red wine, coffee, and tea can stain your tray. But using a straw will minimize the contact of such drinks with your aligner. Also, you should try not to drink steaming hot drinks because they can also damage your aligners.