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Why Invisalign has gained popularity

Why Invisalign Has Gained Popularity in Today’s World?

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People are often born with misaligned teeth and have an imperfect smile. However, in recent years. Patients have been turning towards Invisalign rather than traditional metal braces to fix their smiles. Due to this, the majority of people become conscious of their smiles and laughs and sometimes even lose their confidence. But thanks to our technology, we have several options to correct that wonderful smile. Some of these include braces, veneers, and Invisalign, which help in straightening your teeth. 

Just like traditional metal braces, these popular Invisalign are able to resolve all issues, such as underbite, overbite, and gaps, to name a few. If you are also here to know about Invisalign, keep reading this informative blog to know why they have become more popular than the traditional ones.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that offers an alternative to traditional metal braces to straighten misaligned or crooked teeth and improve overall dental alignment. These are clear aligners that are custom-made, removable, and virtually invisible plastic trays that fit over the patient’s teeth. These trays are customized at every stage of the process based on the individual treatment needs. Each tray is designed to push the teeth toward their correct position gently. You can witness the simulation of your teeth moving in the correct position when you visit your orthodontist for your initial scan. 

Who can undergo Invisalign?

This procedure can benefit people with:

  • Misaligned or crooked teeth or overcrowded teeth.
  • Extremely spaced teeth
  • An open bite
  • A close bite
  • Whose jaws do not meet

Why has Invisalign become popular?

Braces have been in existence for centuries, but recently the Invisalign aligners have gained popularity. These aligners have become popular among teenagers and adults seeking a discreet and effective way to achieve a straighter smile. The following reasons will tell you why people prefer Invisalign aligners over traditional metal braces. 

  • They are Invisible

If you are someone who is willing to align their teeth without compromising their look, then Invisalign is for you. These aligners are fabricated from FDA-approved, medical-grade thermoplastic. This state-of-the-art material doesn’t contain latex, gluten, or chemicals like bisphenol-A or bisphenol-S. These aligners are custom-made for every individual. Being less noticeable is their major selling point. 

  • They are Removeable

Unlike traditional metal braces that are not removable and causes a lot of challenge, Invisalign aligners are easily removable. You have the freedom to take these aligners off whenever you want. Whether you remove them while flossing or brushing, just put them back in place once you are done. You must keep in mind for effective results, you must use them for a longer duration and remove them only when necessary. 

  • Eat What You Want

We know how disheartening it can be when a medical procedure intrudes between you and your favorite meal. That is why we recommend you go for Invisalign, which will not restrict the meals you have. With these aligners, you can have anything, and your orthodontist will not change your diet at all. You just have to remove your aligners, eat what you desire, and wear them back on after you are done eating.

  • They are Comfortable

All teeth straightening methods, from metal braces to lingual braces, are slightly uncomfortable. However, with Invisalign, you do not have to worry about any discomfort. These aligners are extremely comfortable and have easy-to-use features. Moreover, the thermoplastic material that is used in these aligners protects our gums from any cuts.

  • They Demand Fewer Clinic Visits

If you opt for traditional braces, you might require a regular look-after, and you might have to visit your orthodontist every now and then for your wire adjustments. However, with Invisalign, once you have completed a specific time with your aligners, your dentist will send you the new set of aligners. Such things eliminate the need for frequent visits to the clinic. Still, your dentist might ask you to visit the clinic to monitor your progress, but it will be less often than traditional braces. 

  • They are Versatile

There can be several problems associated with the alignment of your teeth. Whether they are too close, too far apart, or crooked, Invisalign aligners can move them toward the correct position. These aligners put gentle pressure on your teeth to correct your beautiful smile. This slight force is barely noticeable; however, over the course of the treatment, your teeth will noticeably shift. 

Invisalign At Dental Veda 

Invisalign is a life-changing treatment that aligns and strengthens your teeth. Moreover, they are comfortable and easy to use, making them a great choice for people of all ages. So, if you have some more questions about Invisalign aligners, you can visit Dental Veda and get answers from our best orthodontists. We have the best orthodontist in Sushant Lok, who can provide you with the best orthodontic treatment. 

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today to arrange your Invisalign consultation and start your new smile journey immediately!

Keep Smiling!

Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign has gained popularity because it offers a discreet and convenient alternative to traditional braces. The clear aligners are less noticeable and provide a more comfortable orthodontic experience.

Invisalign is effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including misaligned teeth, gaps, overcrowding, and bite problems. However, the suitability of Invisalign treatment depends on the individual case, and a consultation with an orthodontist is necessary to determine eligibility.

Invisalign treatment begins with a consultation and the creation of a customized treatment plan. Patients receive a series of clear aligners worn for about two weeks each. These aligners gradually shift the teeth into the desired position over time.

Yes, Invisalign is suitable for both adults and teenagers. In fact, it is a popular choice among adults due to its discreet appearance. Invisalign Teen is specifically designed to accommodate the dental needs of younger patients.