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Top 10 Reasons why people need good Dental Care

Top 10 Reasons why People need good Dental Care

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Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond. 

It may appear like a mere piece of literature but it can appear true when it comes to dental care. Your teeth are as valuable and precious as diamonds. Lack of care can cause damage to your teeth and can invite various dental issues. 

There is no right time than now to start taking care of your dental health. Commitment towards following a good dental care routine can give you the gift of bright and healthy teeth . 

Dental care or dental hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth free from decay and infections. However, if you don’t practice good oral hygiene, you will be at high risk of developing serious dental conditions such as cavities or gum disease. 

So developing good oral habits is the first and the most important step in taking care of your precious teeth. 

But if you are still giving a second thought to your dental hygiene there are certain reasons that can justify the importance of dental care.

Reasons:  Why people need good dental care:

To prevent tooth loss

Tooth loss is considered as the most common dental problem in kids and adults. Poor dental hygiene is among the key reasons behind tooth loss. Cavities or gum infections can occur due to the buildup of plaque in your mouth. These issues may result in tooth loss.

To have brighter smiles

A bright and beautiful smile can win anyone’s heart and enhance your self-esteem. White and clean teeth give you the confidence to smile.
However, crooked, missing, or stained teeth may force you to hide your smile.Poor oral hygiene can affect the appearance and health of your teeth and can force you to hide your smile.

To avoid gum disease

When it comes to your tooth health, you can’t forget the gums!

Gum disease begins when plaque builds up along your gum line. Plaque can cause an infection that can hurt your gum and teeth bones. Moreover, you can also develop periodontitis which is an advanced form of gum disease.

It can affect the gums that hold your teeth in place. This problem is common among people who neglect their dental health.

To keep bad breath at bay

Bad breath, medically called halitosis, is the reflection of your poor dental habits. But what causes a bad breath?

Food particles in your mouth may promote bacterial growth between teeth and gums. This can cause bad breath. Moreover, plaque inside your mouth can also cause bad breath.

Persistent bad breath can be a warning sign of gum disease or tooth decay that can put your teeth under the radar.

To prevent certain diseases

Do you know that your mouth serves as the door to other parts of your body?

The condition of your teeth and gums can impact other parts of your body, including circulatory, digestive, reproductive, and respiratory systems.

So negligence of oral hygiene can cause various health issues such as heart ailments, dementia, pneumonia, or cancer.

To reduce the likelihood of cavities

Cavities or tooth decay are caused by various factors including, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and not cleaning your teeth well. These cavities can lead to severe toothache, infection, and tooth loss.

The problem of cavities is common among people who consume sugar and carbs in excess. Moreover, it is also common among people who ignore teeth cleaning.

To prevent oral cancer

A study found that oral cancer accounts for 30% of all cancers in India? But why do the incidences of oral cancer are increasing at an alarming rate?

An unhealthy mouth is the home for germs and infections. Human Papillomavirus [ HPV] is a leading cause of the occurrence of oral cancer. It usually occurs in people who neglect their oral hygiene.

To have a healthy baby

It can be surprising to know that the health of your teeth can indirectly affect the health of your baby!

Dental care is considered an essential part of your pregnancy care. When a pregnant woman has excessive bacteria growth in her mouth, it can enter the bloodstream through her gums. Then it can travel to the uterus and trigger the production of chemicals called prostaglandins. These chemicals are suspected of inducing premature labor.

To maintain better appearance of teeth

The appearance of your teeth plays a vital role in gracing your personality.

Noone wants to have stained, misaligned or cracked teeth. However, people today often suffer from issues like tooth decay or tooth loss.

These issues can affect the overall appearance of your teeth. They are the result of poor dental habits including, eating bad food or not cleaning your mouth accurately.

To keep your teeth strong in old age

It is said that your today decides your tomorrow. It also applies to your dental health.

Taking care of your dental health today will pay for your teeth in the future. Regular brushing and flossing are healthy teeth tips to keep your teeth and gums clean and working.

Nevertheless, if you neglect your dental health at a young age, you may face various dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or tooth loss that may aggravate as you age.

These reasons clearly reflect the importance of dental health. Your teeth, however, require daily care. Therefore, you can follow a few dental care tips to keep them in good health.

Dental tips for healthy teeth and gum

  • Brushing the right way:
  • When we brush our teeth in a hurry, certain areas of your gum may be left uncleaned. You should give more time to brushing. Additionally, make sure to brush your teeth before going to bed.

  • Flossing is a must:
  • Flossing is essential to keep your oral health in check.This simple task can clear little pieces of eatables from the middle of the teeth to make your gums cleaner and healthier.

  • Have a teeth-friendly diet:
  • You should include calcium and vitamin C-rich food and vegetables in your diet for the better health of your teeth.

  • Regular dental check-ups:
  • Regular dental check-ups helps a dentist to check for the dental issues and to treat them on time.

  • Use Mouthwash:
  • Mouthwash is good to use to reduce the amount of acid in your mouth and make it clean. Moreover, it also prevents bad breath.


Dental Veda: Best Dentist in Gurgaon

At Dental Veda, we work towards the aim of providing top-quality dental treatment under the guidance of the best dentists in Gurgaon.

Contact us today and get the best oral care.

Do newborns need dental care?

Yes, newborns need good dental care. It is essential to care for your child's oral health right from their birth. You should always clean your infant's gums after feeding as it helps to keep his gums clean.

Why is good nutrition important to maintain your dental health?

Healthy eating is essential to maintain your overall health. Poor nutrition may lead to tooth decay, cavities, or gum disease. Therefore, you should include foods and vegetables in your diet which are good for your oral health.

How can a cavity affect your health?

If cavities aren't treated on time, they get larger and can also affect deeper layers of your teeth. Moreover, they can cause severe toothache, infection, and tooth loss.