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When are Dental Implants the Best Choice

When are Dental Implants the Best Choice?

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Are you confused regarding which option to choose for your tooth replacement? If so, then this blog can help you choose the right option. Since your missing teeth can pose a serious concern to your other teeth and oral health as well, choosing a suitable replacement becomes paramount. 

You can choose dentures, bridges, or dental implants as different alternatives to fill the gap. Dentures are the artificial set of teeth resting on your gum line, but they are removable and can slip or fall. However, dental bridges consist of two crowns on either side of your missing tooth gap with artificial teeth held in between crowns. 

Bridges and dentures are good procedures to fill the gap, but they can also cause discomfort, soreness, or poor mouth structure. Therefore, dental implant procedure are ideal for replacing missing teeth because they do not affect other teeth like traditional dental bridges. These dental implants protect your jawbone more efficiently than bridges and dentures.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a state-of-art tooth replacement procedure to replicate the entire tooth structure. A dental implant is defined as a small titanium screw that is placed within your jawbone through surgery. It creates a stable foundation for your tooth restoration. Moreover, a dental implant also helps in preserving your bone structure. 

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants help individuals to replace their missing teeth and restore them in an ideal way. There are mainly two types of dental implants: 

Endosteal Implant

The Endosteal dental implants are placed in the jawbone. These implants are also made of titanium and shaped like small screws. Endosteal implants are the most commonly used type of implants.

Subperiosteal Implant

The Subperiosteal dental implants are placed under the gum or above your jawbone. This implant is suitable for patients who don’t have a healthy natural jawbone or do not want to undergo a bone augmentation procedure. 

When are Dental Implants Ideal Choice?

If you are looking for a long-term teeth replacement option, it is ideal to go for dental implants. Dental implants are bonded to your bone to function like natural teeth. Moreover, your dental implants come pretty close to your natural teeth in form and function.

Fortunately, dental implant are an effective solution to the problem of missing and lost teeth. These dental implants are your perfect long-term solution for dental issues like;  loss of teeth, gradual bone loss, problems in chewing or talking. 

You can trust the procedure of dental implants when you are going to replace your missing tooth. So let’s discuss why  implants are perfect choice for your teeth:

Preventing Bone Loss

One of the best reasons to choose a dental implant is that it prevents bone loss. Moreover, when you lose a tooth, you also lose many areas above your gum line. Your teeth have roots that go deep into the jawline. 

Every time you bite down, you are letting your body know that the area is active. Hence, without any active root, your body believes that the area is no longer in use. It results in bone loss.

Prevent shifting of the teeth

Dental implant procedures not only fill the gaps but also prevent your neighboring teeth from shifting. When an implant is placed into your jawbone and crown is placed on that then the integrity of the entire line of teeth is preserved.

Implants are more natural.

You can’t tell the difference between a natural tooth and the implanted one.  Implants are embedded to work exactly like natural teeth. Moreover, these implants help restore your chewing power so that you can brush and floss normally.

Implants are sturdier and more robust.

After the insertion of the implant, your jawbone fuses with the dental implant. This process helps provide a solid base for your new artificial tooth. Moreover, it is exactly similar to the base that roots provide for natural teeth.

 Helps in full integration

When an implant is placed into your jawbone to act like your tooth’s root, your body also integrates the implant into your jawbone. After some months, your bone grows up around the post, fully incorporating it into your natural jawbone. It gives a sturdy replacement tooth that lasts a lifetime.

Dental Veda: Best Dental Care Clinic

At Dental Veda, we ensure standards of quality, reliability, and transparency in Dental Care. 

We at Dental Veda, aim to provide the best dental care to each patient under the expert guidance of our dentists. Our dentists are highly trained in a wide range of dental treatments. 

Dental implants serve as a healthier replacement that mimics a natural tooth. At Dental Veda, you will get the affordable dental implant procedure with the help of our latest equipment.

Finding the best dental implants in gurgaon requires careful consideration of health and restorative factors. However, you can figure it out by scheduling an appointment.

Contact us and talk to our dentists. We assure you that you will head back home smiling.