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Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment

10 Common Myths About Root Canal Treatment

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Root canal; does reading these two words scares or bothers you? If your answer is yes, then this blog is a must-read for you.

Lately, most people perceive root canal treatment as a medical procedure involving a lot of drilling, needles, and blood loss. 

Additionally, many people delay their root canal treatment, assuming these myths to be true. 

But have you ever given these myths a thought or tried to find out the reality behind these misconceptions? These myths are the false misconceptions regarding root canal treatment.

We are here to debunk some of the most common myths regarding root canal treatment. 

  • Myth: Root canal treatment is painful

Debunking the myth

This misconception roots back a century when anesthesia was not used for dental treatment. Unfortunately, though, it still exists in people’s minds, especially the ones who don’t know much about the treatment.

Many people believe that root canal treatment involves deep pain. This is among the reasons they hesitate to go to their dentist.

Though, this myth is not applicable in modern-day root canal treatment. The root treatment doesn’t involve pain. A dentist numbs the tooth as well as surrounding gums with local anesthesia. It means that you will not feel any pain or sensation in your tooth. 

Anesthesia ensures that a patient feel comfortable during the procedure.

  • Myth: Root canal treatment is risky

Debunking the myth

There is no hidden truth in this myth. The root canal treatment is surrounded by the fear of being risky for your teeth. However, it is just a misconception. 

RCT is among the best treatment options to save your natural tooth. The treatment involves fewer complications as it is done under proper guidance and care. Moreover, treatment doesn’t involve any complications.

However, if you delay the treatment, it may further harm your dental health. 

  • Myth: Root canal treatment can damage your teeth

Debunking the myth

Some people believe that root canal treatment can be damaging for their teeth. However, this is not true. 

Root canal treatment is a safe procedure with higher chances of success. During the procedure, a dentist carefully creates a small opening in the tooth and removes the damaged tissues to prevent the spread of any infection. 

  • Myth: Several dentist visits are required for root canal treatment

Debunking the myth

A root canal treatment doesn’t necessarily require several dental visits.  

Today, root canal treatment has become so advanced as it requires only a couple of visits to the dental clinic. In some cases, the treatment may even be concluded in a single visit. This is basically determined by the condition of your tooth.

  • Myth: Root canal treatment is a time-consuming process

Debunking the myth

There is no truth in this myth. The treatment is done in a day. This root canal treatment is not a time-consuming process as people believe so. 

However, the need for the second visit depends mainly on the condition and recovery of the patient. 

  • Myth: Pregnant women can not go for a root canal treatment

Debunking the myth

Pregnant women are usually afraid to go for root canal treatment. They believe that it may harm the health of their babies. 

Additionally, an X-ray is often not recommended during pregnancy, and root canal treatment requires an X-ray of the mouth. Therefore, certain pregnant ladies hesitate to go for root canal treatment.

Though it is important for you to note that the rays do not reach your abdomen, making them safe for pregnant women. 

  • Myth: Crowns causes teeth to need root canal treatment

Debunking the myth

Most people believe that having a crown on your tooth means your tooth needs a root canal treatment. Though, the crowns may not require root canal therapy.

It is only necessary to have a root canal if the tooth has abscessed or decay has penetrated the crown of the tooth. In that case, a crown needs root canal treatment.

  • Myth: Root canal treatment can lead to an illness

Debunking the myth 

Some people may believe that root canal treatment can make you sick after the procedure is complete. However, this statement is not true.

Root canal treatment doesn’t lead to any illness as bacteria is cleaned  thoroughly from inside the roots of the teeth. However, if you don’t go for a root canal treatment it can pose severe problems for your teeth.

  • Myth: Pulling a tooth is a better option than the root canal treatment

Debunking the myth

Some people are of the view that pulling a tooth is better than going for a root canal treatment. First, though, they should know that saving a natural tooth is better than extracting it. 

When you pull out your tooth, it can cause severe pain and can also affect your bite. Moreover, it can also worsen your condition. Therefore, root canal treatment should be preferred over removing or pulling your tooth.

  • Myth: Root canal treatment is expensive

Debunking the myth

Root canal treatment is not as expensive as people think. You should not worry much about the costs of the treatment as it is an affordable treatment.

Therefore, now you can go for root canal treatment as per your budget. Moreover, you should know that root canal treatment is much cheaper than the tooth extraction procedure and bridges.

Therefore, you should opt for root canal treatment to save your tooth.

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