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Reasons Why you should Replace Missing Teeth

5 Reasons Why you should Replace Missing Teeth

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Who wants their appearance and health to deteriorate? Well, no one. Though, it is the natural consequence of a missing tooth.

Cosmetically, missing teeth isn’t fun. It can make you feel embarrassed and hide your beautiful smile. But besides this, missing a tooth can be harmful to your dental health.

Though, if you have missing teeth, you might be wondering if it is worth going for a missing tooth replacement. Well, the answer is yes.

Dentists are of the view that adults ages 20-64 have three or more decayed or missing teeth.

Your teeth may fall out because of tooth decay, gum disease, injury or trauma. In certain cases, a dentist may also extract your teeth to relieve symptoms or prevent damage to the surrounding teeth. But once your tooth is removed or falls out, the empty socket is left behind.

At this point, you may be wondering what to do next. Though, some people simply allow the site to heal and to leave it as it is. However, it is not the right approach to follow. The right approach would be to visit your dentist for a missing tooth replacement.

Reasons why you should go for missing tooth replacement?


To prevent bone loss

Do you know that your missing teeth can result in a shrinking jawbone or bone loss?

Your bones become vulnerable to faster deterioration when the tooth that was supposed to be present is no longer there. When the tooth is lost, the jawbone is no longer stimulated by the force of chewing.

This can result in the body absorbing the bone tissues from the jawbone. This is known as resorption, and it can generally occur six months after tooth loss. Over time, bone loss can also change the shape of your face.

So to prevent bone loss, you should replace your missing teeth. In that case, your dentist may suggest you go for dental implant treatment . to restore your bone loss.

To prevent overgrowth of opposing teeth

Most people may not think much about it, but missing teeth can affect the surrounding teeth.

When a gap is left by your missing tooth, the surrounding teeth have the tendency to shift because that tooth no longer helps to keep everything in line. This can also happen with the opposing teeth.

For example: when you lose a tooth on the bottom arch of your mouth, the tooth above it can grow longer so as to fill the opposing gap. This can usually occur because the absence of the tooth means there is no opposing force to maintain the growth of the opposite teeth.

Therefore, it is essential to go for a missing tooth replacement.

To reduce the risk of gum disease

Missing teeth could be the reason behind the development of gum disease.

When a tooth falls out, it can leave a wound in your gum tissues. Additionally, when your mouth is warm, the wet spot can be a breeding ground for different kinds of bacteria. It means when you lose a tooth, and you are at a much higher risk of developing infections in your mouth.

One of such infections is a gum infection. Not only are these gum infections painful, but they can also lead to gum disease. When you develop gum disease, your gum tissues start to recede, and it can lead to even more tooth loss.

Additionally, gum disease is also linked to a number of other health conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. This means that a missing tooth can not only put your gum at risk but can also put your overall health at risk.

To get stronger jawbone

Missing teeth can affect your jawbone in more ways than you realize.

When you break your arm, you will not be able to use it for a few months. Additionally, the muscles may start to shrink because they haven’t been used in a while. Your jawbone is exactly similar. If there are no teeth, they can shrink.

Though, if you have only one or two missing teeth, you may not notice it. But if some or all of your teeth are missing, your jawbone can become weak.

But how missing teeth can impact your jawbone? Your body can detect when you lose a tooth and will start to absorb the minerals in your jaws to lose elsewhere. As a result, the area of the jaw around the empty sockets can begin to deteriorate.

A weak jawbone can be the cause of many problems, including a fractured jaw and tooth loss. It happens as the jawbone is no longer able to support the remaining teeth. Therefore, in such a scenario, it is ideal to go for a missing tooth replacement.

To retain all the functions

The main function of your teeth is biting and grinding food as well as helping you speak. However, to carry out all these functions, all your teeth should be present.

When one or more of your teeth are missing, it affects your ability to bite or chew your food. Moreover, the gaps left by the missing teeth change the way air flows during speech. Thus, causing speech difficulties for so many people.

Hence, replacing missing teeth ensures that you will still be able to carry out all the essential functions of your teeth.

Now you have enough reasons to go to your dentist for your missing tooth replacement. He will check you thoroughly and will suggest the treatment plan accordingly.

Which would be the best treatment for missing tooth replacement?


If you have missing teeth, your dentist can suggest dental bridge treatment to close or fill the gaps in your smiles. The artificial teeth called pontics are anchored to a tooth or teeth next to the gap.


Dentures are prosthetic teeth that can replace your missing natural teeth. You can get dentures for many missing teeth or just one or a few missing teeth.

Full dentures are ideal for replacing all your missing teeth. However, partial dentures replace some broken or missing teeth. Partial dentures for front teeth are good to replace your front missing teeth, and partial dentures for back teeth are good to replace your back missing teeth.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, with modern dentistry procedures, it is possible to replace the tooth in a day. Procedures like a composite filling, dental implants, crowns no longer involve multiple dentist visits.

Yes, with proper care, dental implants can last for a long time. They will not break, corrode or shift or can cause any discomfort to your mouth.