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Orthodontics treatment for your child

Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment of your Child

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Orthodontic treatment is a worthy investment in the oral health of your kids. The sooner you start it, the better you will achieve the results.

Children with crooked or misaligned teeth may benefit from early orthodontic treatment. 

Orthodontics is defined as a dentistry branch that corrects positioned teeth and jaws. This treatment is a great way to spot a brewing problem in your child’s mouth before they turn into lifelong problems. However, you may often ask this question: When is the right time to visit a dentist?

When the red flags pop up, and the jaw development is not on track, it can be a perfect time to visit your orthodontist. He can suggest various types of orthodontic treatment to treat any of the following conditions:

  • Overbite – A condition of excessive forward tilt of the upper teeth towards the lower teeth.

  • Underbite – A bulldog appearance where the lower teeth or the upper teeth are too far back.

  • Open Bite- A space between the biting surfaces of the front and the side teeth.

  • Spacing -Gaps or space between the teeth result from missing teeth or teeth that do not fill up the mouth.

The first step in getting your child orthodontic treatment involves a physical exam by your dentist. Following that, he may use X-rays or pictures to develop an ideal treatment plan for your child.

These issues can be the reason to take your kid to an orthodontist immediately. 

Thanks to the advanced technology and enormous benefits of orthodontic treatment, your child can get a gorgeous smile.  Continue reading, to know in detail about the benefits of early orthodontic treatment.

Benefits of going early orthodontic treatment for your child:

Reduces risk of tooth decayed:

Crooked or misaligned teeth can aggravate the risk of tooth decay. With crooked teeth, your child may find it more difficult to brush their teeth. Moreover, it can also lead to poor oral hygiene.

However, braces are a great way to align your teeth, resulting in better oral hygiene.

Improves digestion:

Chewing food properly is necessary for your kids to get adequate nutrition. In addition, breaking food down into smaller pieces is best for their digestion, which can also help in their overall development. 

Straight teeth and aligned jaws allows your child to chew his food easily. However, misaligned teeth may pose difficulty in chewing food. So braces can help your kids to chew their food properly. Hence, your orthodontist will recommend braces to optimize your child’s teeth placement. 

Reduces teeth grinding :

You may often see your kid grinding their teeth. This can be the result of misalignment of the top and bottom teeth, or an imbalance of the jaws. 

Moreover, if  your child suffers from a frequent headache or neck pain, it could be due to teeth grinding. In such cases, orthodontic treatment can help reduce teeth grinding. 

Helps with speaking :

You may notice that your child is having difficulty speaking. Lisping and slurring are the most common speech problems with kids. Misalignment of teeth or jaws could be the key cause of speaking difficulties.

Braces can help eliminate gaps caused by improper tooth or jaw alignment. This allows the tongue to make a solid connection to the roof of the mouth so that your child can speak correctly.

Fixes misaligned teeth :

Misaligned teeth like underbite, overbite, and crossbite can cause issues in your jaws. Moreover, a misaligned jaw can cause pain and irritation for your child. 

Early orthodontic treatment helps correct jaw alignment and slowly repositions missing teeth. Moreover, fixing a misaligned jaw can have a positive impact on your kid’s facial structure. Hence, it is better to consider this issue early. 

Makes room for other teeth to emerge :

Braces not only correct misaligned jaws, but also make room for new teeth to grow. The use of braces can ensure that emerging teeth have more room and prevent crowding by moving impacted teeth out of the way. 

An orthodontic treatment can catch this issue on time, making it easier to fix with younger kids.  Though, it is important to note that orthodontic treatment duration may vary, your kid will get benefit from it. 

Guides adult teeth :

Permanent teeth start to grow in the place of lost baby teeth. Braces will help guide these new teeth into a more favorable position, so that they can grow in a better way.

When your child’s teeth and jaws are aligned, they will get the benefit of good oral hygiene. Braces early in life can ensure a hassle-free future and a beautiful smile for life.  

Improves confidence:

Early orthodontic treatment can improve your child’s confidence as he can get back his beautiful smile. By starting the treatment early, your child can experience a confident smile and healthy teeth. 

Although your child may dislike wearing braces, they will be happy with the results.

Dental Veda: Best Orthodontic Treatment in Gurgaon :

Dental Veda is a well-known name when it comes to providing the best orthodontic treatment in Gurgaon. Our dentists are highly experienced in offering the best dental care to every patient.

Book an appointment with us and get your child a beautiful smile.


What is the best age to go for orthodontic treatment?

Most parents know the fact that dental care for their children should start during their early years. However, the best age for an orthodontic assessment is 8 to 10 years, as, during this period, a child can have a combination of both baby teeth and mature teeth.

How quickly do teeth move after braces?

You can see some noticeable movements in your teeth from around two months. However, some people could notice the difference as little as four weeks after wearing the braces.

Are braces painful?

The answer is that the braces do not hurt at all when they are applied to the teeth. However, there can be mild discomfort or soreness when you first wear it, but it may go away soon.